Client Feedback

Read what clients say about the SAS neuro-sensory listening courses.

Parents report improvements in:

  • Presence & Attention
  • Sensory Processing
  • Speech & Language
  • Behaviour
  • Social Skills
  • Eating & Sleeping
  • Emotional Well-being

"I was amazed when on the last day of the SAS programme he suddenly started to count from one to ten. He now speaks much more and his social skills have improved beyond recognition. The teachers of his playgroup, who didn't know he was taking this programme, commented how much more he is involved in social interactions."
Mother of Client

"She couldn’t wait to put the headphones on each day. I’m most pleased because she is happier in herself. Her hand flapping has greatly reduced. Her ability to cope with change has improved and she is more tolerant to noise."
Mother of Client

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